28 / 05 / 15

Renewables in the mini-windpower sector, excellent news for the company. The new president of APPA  Minieólica holds an MBA in Senior Management from the Fundesem Business School and has pursued his entire professional career in the firm founded 45 years ago by  his father, Juan Bornay.

In this new stage Juan de Dios Bornay is faced with the challenge of helping to consolidate in Spain a technology that, because of the administrative barriers of our country, has had to find its development in international markets.

For the president of APPA Minieólica, “mini-windpower technology is being  developed throughout the world, and paradoxically, a sector that has leading companies on the  international level suffers locally from the lack of adequate  regulation.” Bornay is convinced  of the “important role of mini-windpower in the development of self-consumption and the generation of energy distributed in Spain.”

The new president of APPA Minieólica is also a member of the  board  of directors of AVAESEN and forms part of its working group on self-consumption. Bornay Aerogeneradores also belongs to Secartys – Solarty, and Juan de Dios Bornay is part of the working group on self- consumption. Furthermore, the  firm is  associated with ASENER, Alliance for Rural Electrification,  APEME  and FER (Foundation for  Renewable Energies).

APPA (Association of Renewable Energies Companies) is an entity that groups together close to five hundred companies operating in the  renewable energies sector. It is the sector’s only country-wide association and  has  members from all the autonomies. It includes societies from the energy sectors  of biofuels, biomass, wind power, photovoltaic energy, geothermal energy of high and low enthalpy, hydraulic, marine, mini-windpower and solar thermo-electric energies.

APPA Minieólica groups together the main Spanish companies of the sector and has an agreement of collaboration with Ciemat for the development of that technology, both in our own country and in the external markets. The following are the companies or institutions that compose APPA Minieólica: Bai Wind, Bitegui Energías Renovables, Bornay Aerogeneradores, Energía y Recursos Ambientales (Eyra), Ennera Energy & Mobility, Idna Proyectos Energéyticos, Kliux Energies, Norvento Energía Distribuida, Sonkyo Energy, Zigor Corporation and Ciemat.